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Line editing

Stylistic editing

Line by line, we will work on your text together. With the smoothest language, the clearest intentions, and the most interesting adjectives, we will draw in your reader. Muahaha!


Line editing goes through your work (line-by-line, ha!) to make sure your words are precise and that their meaning coveys your intentions. In fact, I've been known to deliberate over several perfectly fine words, searching for that MOST perfect word. Crazy? Perhaps. But, you might as well benefit from my crazy, right?


We will go through your work, focusing on language. It has less (or almost nothing) to do with mechanics and mistakes, and more to do with really drawing the life out of your work and using such invigorating language that your reader is entranced. Think of people you love to read or listen to. Barack Obama, J.K Rowling, Masai Ujiri, Neil Gaiman, and more. Does your language tell your story in the most ensnaring way? Is your document a tad dull or nicely vibrant?


We work on clarity and style so that your words, sentences, and paragraphs are tight and exciting. This sometimes means we are making it more concise, editing down to give your work a nice punch (freshly squeezed orange juice anyone? Stay AWAY from that frozen can nonsense!). We will talk show vs tell, narrative distance, and evoking emotion. The gold is there, we just have to make sure it isn't being hidden by some bits of dust and other camouflage. Let's sparkle, friends!

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